Picture for Cedar City, UT

Local Businesses in Cedar City, UT

Cedar City is the largest city in Iron County, Utah, United States. It is located 250 miles south of Salt Lake City and 170 miles north of Las Vegas on Interstate 15. It is the home of Southern Utah University, the Utah Shakespeare Festival, the Utah Summer Games, the Simon Fest Theatre Co., and other events.

Cedar City's economy is mainly based on a minor manufacturing cluster, tourism, Southern Utah University, and housing construction. The largest employers in Cedar City are Southern Utah University, Iron County School District, Intermountain Healthcare, Cedar City Corporation, Genpak, Federal Government, State of Utah, Super Wal-Mart.

The economy of Cedar City employs 14100 people. The largest industries in Cedar City are Educational Services (2469 people), Accommodation and Food Services (1691 people), and Health Care and Social Assistance (1668 people), and the highest paying industries are Public Administration ($54,408), Transportation and Warehousing, and Utilities ($44,833), and Transportation and Warehousing ($44,833).

Local Businesses in Cedar City, UT
Local Businesses in Cedar City, UT (download as PDF)

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